Friday, November 15, 2013

Fab Five

{My first peppermint mocha of the season}

Is it Christmas yet? 

I know, I know, we're barely halfway through November, but I am just giddy with excitement! It is by far my favorite holiday! I mean, how could it not be? It's just so merry! I'm so ready for Christmas music to officially take over the radio. I also cannot wait to get a Christmas tree up in our new apartment. If I could, I'd go out right now and pick one up. Unfortunately, we all have to wait until Thanksgiving is over. Can't we just skip that holiday and go straight into Christmas? That's pretty much what we're all looking forward to anyways!

{These make our whole apartment smell like Christmas}

{My new bird jewelry stand}

{Pho has become a favorite in our household, and we cannot get enough}

{The new additions to our family}

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