Monday, November 18, 2013

A Few Random Things

Shirt: Forever21, Pants: H&M, Wedge Booties: Bakers, Scarf: Gypsy Junkies, 
Jewelry: Rose Bowl Flea Market, Lucky Brand, World Market & DIY

1. Over the weekend I got my hair trimmed and colored. I'm so glad I did because look at those roots! Red is so hard to maintain, but I'm not ready to go back to being a brunette.

2. I almost did not buy this shirt. I glanced over it and left the store. I went back and bought it about an hour later because I could not stop thinking about it. I definitely would've had buyer's remorse if I hadn't gone back. I'm just a sucker for stripes. 

3. Today finally felt like fall! It was still about 73 degrees out, but at least it was all gloomy and overcast. I'm hoping that it cools down even more. I have boots, scarves, and sweaters that are dying to be worn. 

4. I got this cozy, thick scarf for free from Gypsy Junkies. Since I am an intern there, I have the privilege of getting free clothes! The perks of being an intern! I can already tell it's going to be a stable in my winter wardrobe. 

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