Sunday, November 27, 2011


10 things that make me smile:

1. hanging out with an old friend...everything about her makes me smile
2. homemade turkey stew made by my grandma
3. watching the duchess and pride & prejudice
4. the fact that elf has been on tv like a million times
5. mastering the art of curling my hair
6. my bailey mae and her adorable christmas pjs
7. figuring out how to transfer my music from my iPod to my new i can update it!
8. my mom's homemade shortbread cookies!!!
9. a sweet waitress saying i was beautiful (which was hard to believe because this was after all the black friday shopping and i felt like a mess)
10. my supervisor telling me that i'm doing a good job


the #1 thing that would make me smile- if michael came back home. i miss that boy.

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