Saturday, November 12, 2011


Picture taken right after work in the parking lot (excuse the messy hair and no makeup). No time to take any others :(

...hours is way too long for a person to work in one day. Well that's what I did yesterday- lucky me! I literally worked the day away which explains why there wasn't a Flawed and Fabulous Friday. So instead here are Several Thoughts for Saturday...

1. Fourteen hours means big paycheck! Woo woo! 
2. It's rainy out, but I'm protected by my new fancy warm jacket from Old Navy (in picture).
3. Counting the hours of sleep I will get each night before bed. I will likely get 7 hours of sleep tonight. 
4. Can't wait for tomorrow to be over. I have Monday off! Then back to the daily grind. Wah wah. 
5. I can't watch Ghost Adventures right before bed. It just sets me up for failure when I have to wake up at 4 in the morning for work. 
6. I can't particularly think of anything to write because I am totally exhausted and it is taking me longer than usual to get my thoughts in order. 
7. Mmm bed sounds good right now. I'm such an old grandma who can't stay up late anymore.


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