Saturday, November 26, 2011

black friday extravaganza

i decided to attend the midnight madness this year, and i must say, it was a successful black friday! i got to spend it with an old friend from middle school (we've known each other for 10 years! crazy!!). she is just as amazing as ever. i just wish we got to see each other more often than just during the holidays. we met up at midnight at the thousand oaks mall and didn't leave until about 6:30am or so. totally crazy. we hit up macy's, bakers, cathy jean, urban outfitters, american eagle, aerie. ann taylor, the apple store, and gap. while at urban, i was convinced to buy these fake glasses, which i have been secretly wanting for a while now, and you know i wore them the minute i purchased them.  we then decided needed to go to target. even more crazy. so we didn't wrap up shopping until about 9.  this meant that i was up for more than 24 hrs!! ahhh. this shopping extravaganza was filled with giggles, finding items that made us feel like queens (top criteria: faux fur and anything that sparkles), a lot of catching up and delusional talk. all in all, it was a fantastic, fun, exhausting morning and i'm glad i got to spend it with one of my favorite people. :)


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