Friday, November 4, 2011

Flawed and Fabulous Friday!

  •   I am sick. My nose is stuffed and runny (if that’s even possible to happen at the same time) and I feel like it hasn’t even hit its peak yet. I expect some nasty cough to arrive within the next few days. Woo. 
  • Starting work at 7:30am instead of 6am. This all sounds good in theory, BUT it means I have to be at work until 6pm.
  • My room is looking like a pig sty. Just way too lazy and tired after getting off work to clean. All it needs is some mud and it would be perfect for a little piggy. This gets me thinking…would Bailey get along with a pig? Hmmmm.
  • Getting paid every 2 weeks instead of every week. I just like seeing my bank statement increasing weekly. 
  • Seeing Paranormal Activity 3. All of these movies have scarred me for life! I am such a baby when it comes to scary stuff.
  • Yesterday was my Friday! And because my work is going through this crazy startup mode, my schedule has changed. Do not fret, for this means I get 6 days off in a row (without using vacation time). Hallelujah! I can use this time to sleep and get better (and maybe shop).
  • I cannot wait for the rain. My boyfriend and I made a plan to get clam chowder bread bowls from Andria's when there is finally a rainy day. This is will be delicious and I am way excited!
  • Getting donuts and coffee at 9pm with the boyfriend. This is amazing because he has been on a health kick for the past month. My stomach def enjoyed this!
  • My hair is getting long. I've been growing it out forever. Yay me!
  • Coming home from work to dinner being made by my boyfriend. Love him.
  • Being in such a good mood lately, even after work! I'm learning to not sweat the small stuff. My coworker gave us all some very good advice. "Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff." :) Happy Friday!


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