Friday, December 6, 2013

Fab Five

{Our baby Christmas tree}

We finally got our Christmas tree! I wasn't in love with it at first, but it's starting to grow on me. It is a lot smaller than last year's, but I feel like it's the perfect size for our apartment. It's just so cute and little. We did have a little bit of difficulty trying to decorate it because it is so small, but I think it turned out great. 

I've seen a lot of trees that are decorated with a certain style in mind, or a common theme throughout. While those are usually beautiful, I decided to stick to ornaments that are sentimental and that are close to my heart. You'll find everything that I love on this tree, from Abe Lincoln to Ariel. I feel like this tree is a pretty accurate representation of myself. 

Now I know this is supposed to be "our" tree, but Adam doesn't have any ornaments! And you know the guy won't go out and buy any for himself. So it is now my sole duty to find ornaments that embodies him. The hunt is on!

{How cute is that little Santa on Abe Lincoln's lap? And yes that is a tiny Starbucks cup}

{My Ariel ornaments that Adam got for me last year}

{"Adam" & "Ashley" were the first ornaments that I ever purchased}

{Love how Christmassy our apartment looks}

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