Tuesday, January 3, 2012

here's to 2012

top, skirt & shoes: target, belt: beau-alexis boutique

i just know 2012 is going to be a big year. i have many ambitions and aspirations that WILL be accomplished this year. so here's to 2012 and all my hopes, dreams, and resolutions.

hopes, dreams and resolutions:

  • visit my best friend in washington d.c. & take a trip together to new york
  • find a way (other than blogging) to channel my passion for writing
  • be more patient
  • design & sew together an article of clothing
  • be less selfish and more thoughtful of others
  • learn how to cook more dishes
  • be more cautious with my spending
  • move out by the end of the year (!!!!)
  • take a dance class
  • get an iPhone
  • finish a scrapbook
  • take an acting class
  • be a kinder person
  • eat healthier and work out often
  • be more grateful for everything & everyone in my life
  • make a list of books to read and actually read them
  • clean and organize
  • embrace change & new opportunities


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