Friday, January 13, 2012


10 things that make me smile:

1. my best friend is coming to town (for a day) next week!
2. more than one person saying that i look like zooey deschanel with my fake glasses on (even if i don't particularly see it)
3. going to dinner for my grandma's 78th birthday and eating waaaaay too much
4. hilarious "zombees" pin- i died when i saw it!
5. opening late christmas presents mid january
6. making delicious tilapia with brown rice and broccoli
7. after feeling sick all day, (not the part that makes me smile) m gave me a full back massage
8. having date night at california pizza kitchen and laughing throughout the whole dinner
9. my clothes are fitting looser and when i jump on the scale, i don't shriek in horror. BOOM!
10. blasting high school musical 3 and singing and dancing in the shower


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