Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Internship Update

I was actually lucky enough to get an internship lined up before I even moved to LA. It was a fashion PR/marketing internship at a fashion showroom in Downtown LA. I took over writing posts for Facebook and Twitter for a line called Sacred Heart Collections. I got really great experience with word crafting and graphics, as well as exposure to showroom sales. But unfortunately it just was not a good fit for me.  So I kept my eyes open for new opportunities...

And it paid off! About 4 weeks ago I landed a new internship for a brand called Gypsy Junkies! I'm actually really enjoying it. The clothing is to die for- really boho and obviously gypsy! You know, right up my alley. And the location is perfect! Their headquarters is located in West Hollywood, which beats driving all the way downtown. I create posts for their Twitter, coming up with mood posts, as well as product shots. Because of this, I spend a lot of time browsing through tumblr and online retailers, which isn't half bad if you ask me. It's not a paying gig, but hey, it's a start in the right direction.

One thing I've learned from these internships is that it's really important for me to like what I am doing. I think it totally helps to be super into what you're working with in order to come up with great work. And with staying happy and in a good mood! I've noticed that if I'm not excited about my work day, it has a huge impact on my mood for the rest of the day!

I just hope that I can continue working with great brands and keep gaining great experience. Oh, and new connections and friendships doesn't hurt either :)


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