Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vintage Romance

When I think of the word vintage, I imagine sweet lovelies from an era not of my own. It is quite intriguing to think that maybe this vintage piece may have meant a great deal to someone, sometime. It may have been a gift for one's self or a for-get-me-not from a sweet love. This is why I have recently picked up an obsession with vintage, whether it be clothing, jewelry or sweet unique items. I have fed this obsession by going to the Pasadena Flea Market on Sundays. Even if I never buy anything, it just sparks something within me. A curiosity maybe. Who owned these things, where did they they come from, and how did they ended up here? It makes me wonder if my dear possessions will become vintage someday, end up in a flea market and in the hands of another. If so, I'd like them to shout out to the passersby, "Hey, I once existed. I lived."


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