Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Love

{Our first picture together. New Year's Eve 2008}

Almost two and a half years ago I was introduced to Michael by a friend. On January 18, 2009 we officially became a couple. Now our two year and five month-iversary is coming up and I couldn't be happier. He is the cheese to my macaroni, the sugar to my coffee, the peanut butter to my jelly...well you get the idea. Michael is the best guy I've ever known hands down, and I am one lucky chick. He is smart, funny, sweet and genuinely real. Like any other couple, we've been through a lot. Yeah, he can be an ass not so nice, but I am just as guilty in that department. It's usually hard to stay mad at him for long. I mean c'mon, just look at that face! He always pulls this buttering-up-act that never fails and I'm back in his arms. Curse that act! We are two very different people, but we love each other- faults and all. I can't wait to have many more anniversaries and month-iversaries with this kid.

{New Year's Eve 2010}


1 comment:

  1. Hes one rad cousin, And you are like a um cousin in law? lol. Its nice to have you around and its nice to know that Michelle is always being looked after even if its not always family. You have been a good person in this Ruiz Famliy and I hope you two love birds stay strong- Latnemurtsni
