Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wish Me Luck

Shirt: Forever21, Button-up: Target, Leggings: Nike, Shoes: Converse, Watch: Fossil

Many of you may know that I have been unemployed for a while now (going on 6 months, but who's counting?). And those closest to me know how hard it has been for me. Well, hopefully that is all about to change...

I have an interview this Friday! I don't want to disclose too much about it only because I don't want to jinx it. I am just hoping that I can prove myself to this company. I know I am fully qualified for this position, and I have a couple years of experience in this field to boot. I just have to go in there with confidence and show them that I would be a great asset to their team. Only problem is, confidence and shyness DO NOT go hand in hand. Hopefully I'll be able to overcome my timidness and rock this interview. Goodness knows how much I need/want this job. It would seriously make my year. 

So, if you happen to have some extra luck lying around, by all means, feel free to send some my way. 

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