Friday, June 29, 2012


10 things that make me smile:

1. celebrating my best friend's birthday with donuts (with candles), starbucks, brave, and mani/pedis
2. painting my nails for the first time in forever! too bad it only lasted 3 days before i had to take it off for work
3. my hair is redder! :) eee!
4. that fact that we know six, count them, six line dances now
5. the "babe cave," love it
6. constantly laughing, even if it means looking like a hyena every once in a while
7. taking a day (shopping) trip to santa monica
8. having TWO sleepovers in one week...on work nights. yeah, that's right, party animals over here
9.  my pretty new dress, with a little bit of tulle
10. drinking pina coladas out of wine glasses. so classy


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