Friday, June 22, 2012


10 things that make me smile:

1. knowing that your best friend is there for you even on your weakest days. i thank you
2. dressing up for line dancing
3. all the ridiculousness that happens while line dancing
4. abraham lincoln: vampire hunter
5. having a sleep over (on a work night!) with a princess coloring book, harry potter, and waaay too much chocolate. hi, we're 5
6. a little mermaid coloring page
7. laying out by the pool every week has pretty much made life so much better
8. moulin rouge. so good! i've been listening to the soundtrack in my car for over a week now
9. going to fresh n' easy for just "a little snack" and leaving with a whole bunch of junk
10. having dinner and sitting in a car for two hours just talking with my best friend from washington d.c.


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