Monday, June 13, 2011

My Weekend

{Enjoying the setting sun}

This past weekend I had some time to myself while the boyfriend went on a bike ride. I took advantage of this free time and cruised to the mall.  After spending waay too much time/money at Forever21, I realized that I hadn't found what I came looking for-a dress for my graduation party! I went up and down the mall and after failed attempts at finding the perfect dress, I was ready to leave and call it a day. I had tried on so many dresses by this point, I was just completely over it. I was ready to throw in the towel. Then I came across this silky floral coral dress at American Eagle. I hesitated to even try it on because I was exhausted (yes shopping tires me out okay!). But when I put it on, I knew it was the one! It has buttons, pockets (a must) and it ties in to accentuate my waist.

{Snapshot of the fabric}

 Now the hunt is on for the perfect heels! I would love something like this....
{BDG Gladiator Heel from Urban- $60}
The night ended with seeing Super 8 with Michael and then once we got home, we shared a bottle of wine.

This weekend was so nice and productive (shopping wise). It's always lovely to spend some quality time with the person you love the most.


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