Sunday, October 23, 2011

After a looooong hiatus...

I am back!!!!

Sorry for the long break in my blog, but I've been uber busy and lazy. So much has happened since my last blog post back in June. I actually landed a position at Baxter BioScience. It's a biotech company similar to Amgen, but much smaller. I started in Packaging in July (as a temp employee) and just recently moved to the QC Mirco department (as a permanent employee!!!). It is soo exciting to be using my degree in a well  paying, stable position that offers benefits! Great things happen to those who are hard working and patient. :)
In other words...these are the top 10 things I am loving right now!

Gap's latest styles

 Inspirational jewelry...."I promise to count my blessings"

 Fun band-aids!

 Cute and totally appropriate words to live by

Creative costumes

Discovering fun blogs like Color Me Katie

Sunrises...One benefit from waking up earlier than the sun does


Horseshoe earrings...some of us need the extra luck!

My Bailey Mae, who is now 6 years old but will always be a puppy in my heart


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