Friday, June 10, 2011

Flawed and Fabulous Friday!

{Meet Bailey Mae. Her favorite pasttimes are sleeping and getting spoiled.}

  • So I'm trying to get hired at Amgen (a biotech company) since they have like amazing benefits (a week off for the Fourth of July HELLO!). I came across this Associate Scientist position (sounds real professional right?) and I see its $33/hr!! I submit my resume and cover letter thinking I got this one in the bag! Nope. I get an email saying the position was already filled before I applied. Talk about bad timing.
  • Waking up a gabillion times in the middle of the night. Worst. Sleep. Ever.
  • Chipping my nails when I just painted them the day before. I hate that!
  • I have a messy messy room that I'm just too lazy to clean up so its just going to have to look like a tornado came through.
  • People watching me run-awkward!
  • I want to take pictures of my daily outfits when we go out (to post here), but feel too silly to ask the boyfriend.
  • We are planning a trip to Vegas for July! I refuse to go after I turn 22, so looks like we're going the weekend before my birthday. Now I can cross it off my summer wish list! Yayyyyy
  • Feeling fabulous after running all week. Even if that does mean waking up early in the morning.
  • A random neighbor praising me for running for exercise. Go me!
  • Michael and I saw Bridesmaids and I about died from laughing! I want to be Kristen Wiig. She is just too cute and funny!
  • Getting my eyebrows waxed after about 4 weeks (yikes!). I love how clean and polished I feel/look afterwards!
  • Bailey being my best friend and shadow now that I'm home more often.
  • I'm eating healthier even if I literally have to stop myself from devouring the-not-so-healthy stuff and it feels sooo good!

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