Thursday, September 19, 2013

Big City Girl

Dress & Shoes: Target, Necklace: Forever21


I don't think I'll ever get used to the hussle and bussle of living in LA. I started my new internship with Cailyn Cosmetics (YAY!) today, but my commute home was close to an hour and a half! Unacceptable in my book! Especially because I HATE driving. I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up for the time being. At least it's a paid internship, right? Right.

Living out here in LA has a been a little rough for me, but things might be looking up. Like I mentioned above, I started a new internship! It's a Social Media internship and the Brand Marketing Manager mentioned that I might move up in a month or so to a full time position as a Social Media Brand Ambassador. I've learned to not get my hopes up about these things since I've had such poor luck in the past, but I'm still excited! I guess we shall just have to see. Today my job pretty much consisted of replying to comments, sharing links on Facebook, and spending time on Pinterest. You know, pretty hard work.

Speaking of work, I actually have a meeting tomorrow for a Radiochemist position. What is that you might ask? Well, basically I'd be making radiopharmaceuticals. What are those you might ask? You're on your own for this one. Go Google it. But now I'm in a predicament. What if I am offered this position? I am more than qualified for it since I majored in Biology (emphasis in Medical Imaging and minor in Applied Physics), but is it for me? I'm not going to lie. It does sound pretty cool and important-you know, like a big girl job. Not to mention the pay will probably be great. I'm just afraid of making a HUGE mistake. I wish there was a way to predict the future so I could see if I was making the right choices. But no, I am not blessed with this fortune telling ability. Guess I'll have to figure it out the hard way, just like everyone else. It does make life a little more exciting not knowing what is coming, though. We'll just have to see what life has in store for me.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Horsin' Around

I never thought we could do something like horseback riding in LA, but in fact, there is a whole community in Burbank that values small town living and saddling up. So yesterday, we decided to get out of the house and give it a try. We found a very affordable horse rental called Griffith Park Horse Rentals, and we decided on a two hour trail ride at $25/hr. It was such fun ride through Griffith Park, with beautiful views of Glendale and Burbank. Of course we had a guide, but he trailed behind us in order to give us privacy. We are not very experienced riders, (I've only ridden a handful of times and him once before) but we got our horses, Dandy and Starsky, to trot quite a bit. I'm very excited that we discovered this part of town and will definitely be coming back for another ride. I guess I'm just a country girl at heart. 
