Sunday, April 28, 2013


dress:target, headband:claire's, sandals: reflection, necklace: ventura harbor, bangles: kate spade, ring: brandy melville, sunglasses: aerie 

updates (in no particular order):

  • i've been rocking a lot of headbands lately. my forehead feels naked ever since i grew out my bangs. just call me hippie from now on. 
  • i pretty much wear nothing but dresses (and workout clothes) on my days off from work. it's springtime; i'm embracing the weather. 
  • i have implemented a much needed lifestyle change. this means exercising and eating healthy. don't worry, i'll still have my cheat days.
  • our one year anniversary is in exactly one week. ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! i can't believe it. where did the time even go? ah. 
  • more tattoos are in the near future. i plan on getting either my last name is kanji or my family crest. i'm pretty excited. oh, and don't forget the infinity symbol that i've been obsessed with for the past year. 
  • getting closer to family always feels great. my cousin and i practically grew up together, but we've been distant for years. it's good to have her back. 

that's all for now :)


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