Thursday, February 7, 2013

to you, my friend

to my steevee/best friend/fishy/seester, 

first of all, i want to congratulate you on your acceptance into the world teach program! you better rock those samoan islands like nobody's business. second, i want to apologize for taking away your thunder when you first received your good news. i wish i could say that i had celebratory dance or that i chest bumped you. ah but alas, i instead immediately started blubbering like a baby in the corner. sigh...

as much as i am saddened by losing you come july, i am so excited for you and your new journey. you have worked so hard to get here and for goodness sake's do you deserve it. last year was extremely rough on you, so i'm glad that life finally decided to cut you a break and give you this opportunity of a lifetime. i am so utterly proud of you (i know everyone is) and i know you will make one hell of a teacher out there. 

then i guess there's just one problem much i'm going to miss you.


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