Thursday, November 22, 2012


shirt & scarf: foreign exchange, jeans: levi's jacket: papaya's, loafers: target

today is thanksgiving, and i will be spending it with those who mean the most to me. now this holiday happens only once a year, but we should be thankful and appreciative everyday.

this year i am especially thankful for:

my family, friends & boyfriend- nothing is better than the love of those you surround yourself with. without them i wouldn't be who i am today. today and everyday, i am most thankful for them.

my good health & fortune- i am in the prime of my life, fortunately in good health, without any ailments or hardships.

new opportunities- i am lucky enough to have new opportunities come my way that could quite possibly allow me to pursue my passions. and if this doesn't work out, i know my luck will not stop here.

new beginnings- new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings, but new beginnings allow you to start fresh. starting fresh allows you to be who you want to be and become the person you're supposed to become.


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