Monday, February 10, 2014

Things I Cannot Wait To Do Once I'm Employed

Being on a budget isn't easy, especially if you are used to a certain lifestyle. I've learned this the hard way. I never had to budget before so this was a rude awakening. While I was in college I lived at home, and I had a full time job when I first moved out so I never knew what it felt like to constantly worry about money. It's not a fun feeling, and it can cause some serious stress. You never realize how expensive groceries are, or how much a hardcover book is.

In no particular order, here is just a small list of things I cannot wait to do once I'm employed.

I cannot wait to...

1. Renew my Disneyland annual pass. I'm having withdrawals.

2. Take my family and boyfriend out to a celebratory dinner. Putting up with me these past months couldn't have been easy.

3. Update my wardrobe. Do you know how long it's been since I bought any clothes?

4. Go see all the movies I've been wanting to see. It's been a while since I've paid to see a movie.

5. Have a guilt free shopping day. I cannot wait to no longer experience buyer's remorse.

6. Fully stock my fridge. Ever try to eat healthy on a budget? It's not cheap.

7. Buy all the books I've been wanting to read. I never realized how expensive books are.

8. Get health insurance! I've been pretty lucky (knock on wood) that I haven't had any serious health issues these past months.

9. Pamper myself. Manicures, pedicures, and facials, OH MY!

10. See my bank account increase. I'm most excited about that.

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