Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wish Me Luck

Shirt: Forever21, Button-up: Target, Leggings: Nike, Shoes: Converse, Watch: Fossil

Many of you may know that I have been unemployed for a while now (going on 6 months, but who's counting?). And those closest to me know how hard it has been for me. Well, hopefully that is all about to change...

I have an interview this Friday! I don't want to disclose too much about it only because I don't want to jinx it. I am just hoping that I can prove myself to this company. I know I am fully qualified for this position, and I have a couple years of experience in this field to boot. I just have to go in there with confidence and show them that I would be a great asset to their team. Only problem is, confidence and shyness DO NOT go hand in hand. Hopefully I'll be able to overcome my timidness and rock this interview. Goodness knows how much I need/want this job. It would seriously make my year. 

So, if you happen to have some extra luck lying around, by all means, feel free to send some my way. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


I've never been able to find a workout routine that I really liked and could stick to. Well, after being introduced to Cassey Ho's Blogilates, I have finally found the perfect regimen for me. It's not too high impact, but gets the blood flowing, muscles working, and the sweat dripping. 

I started the POP Pilates Beginner's Calendar last week and so far I am really enjoying it! All of the videos are available on YouTube, and Cassey even made a playlist of workout videos for each day.
You can access the beginner's calendar online, as well as on the Blogilates App. I personally use both, the app to check off my daily workout and online to access the videos. 

This calendar is the perfect way to ease into a workout routine. I am just starting my fitness journey and I knew I needed something not too hardcore, but something still challenging. This 4 week plan is just that, and all the while I am learning and understanding the basics of Pilates. And Cassey is a great instructor! She is just so fun and encouraging in all her videos. It really feels like you are working out with a friend. 

Even though I'm only on day 10, I feel amazing. It feel so good to be back on a routine. Everyday I feel 10x's stronger than the day before. Hopefully after these 4 weeks, I'll be able to jump into the monthly calendar workouts! Who knew that working out could be so exciting? I sure didn't, but I'm glad I discovered Blogilates. Now my yoga mat can stop collecting dust. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fab Five

{My red hair & heart tattoo}

Even though I'm not particularly busy during the week, I always look forward to the weekend. There is usually something planned that allows me to get out of the apartment and spend some quality time with Adam. This weekend, though, we really don't have any big plans. Frankly, I'm quite fine with that. We have a couple of shows (The Originals, American Horror Story, and The Vampire Diaries) that we need to catch up on, and I'd love to finish reading Gone Girl. Words spoken like a true homebody. 

{Getting back on a workout routine}

{Trying out a new local restaurant}

{Overlooked mosaic at the LA Zoo}

{Popcorn and Gone Girl}

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snapshots From The Los Angeles Zoo

 {We took the Indian Rhino Encounter tour where we were able to pet and feed Rhonda the Rhino!}

{Look at that hippo belly!}

{Enjoying the beautiful weather}

{Far off in the distance a tiger naps}

{Monkey hugs}

{One huge leaf}

{Giraffe family}

{Momma and baby chimpanzee}

{Can you spot the elephant?}

{One big orangutan}

{Another momma and baby}

{Love me some stripes}

Monday, January 20, 2014

Summer in January

Tank: Foreign Exchange, Shorts: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Converse, Purse: H&M, Jewelry: DIY, Brandy Melville 

I don't think LA got the memo that it's January and winter. We are having such a random heat wave here, but I won't complain too much since I do prefer warm weather. We definitely don't have to worry about the polar vortex anytime soon. I must say, we are pretty lucky here in the Golden State. Shorts and tank tops in January? Sure! I'll take it. 

Also, I want to point out that I am in fact wearing sneakers! I wanted these white low top Converse for a while, but could never convince myself to buy them. I would just pin a bunch of cute outfits on Pinterest and just dream of my very own pair. But then I got them as a gift for Christmas! I'm sure you can just imagine my excitement! And I've pretty much been obsessed with them ever since. Me, obsessed with a shoe that's neither a boot or sandal. I know, it's pretty hard to believe. Now let's just hope I can keep them looking clean and new for as long as possible. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Ramblings

Dress: Brandy Melville, Sweater: Fashion Q, Boots: The Wharf, Purse: H&M, 
Jewelry: DIY Bracelets, Gifted Necklace, Ring from LA County Fair 

I need to be more understanding. It's not kind to be so stubborn.   

I want to be less judgmental. It's quite snobbish, and it needs to stop. 

I should trust more and worry less. Sometimes I can be such a nervous wreck. 

I can't help that I'm shy. I've always been this way. 

I need to take down that Christmas tree. Is it bad luck to ring in the new year with last year's tree?

I want to be a wizard in the kitchen. I just didn't get that cooking gene from my mother. 

I should clean out my closet. I honestly don't wear half the things in there. 

I can't wait until I get a job. It's really been tough being unemployed. 

I need to eat healthier and get in shape. It's just time. 

I want a dog. No, not just any dog, I want my Bailey Mae.

I should do more yoga. It can be so relaxing and peaceful. 

I can't believe it's January. Seriously, where does the time go?

I need to make a blog schedule. That way you won't have to suffer through another post like this. 

I want to find that holy grail concealer. I have a serious complex about my under eye circles. 

I should probably dye my hair again soon. Just look at those roots!

I can't wait until I can see my best friend again. It's been way too long.