Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dressed Up Sick

Top: Forever21, Skirt: H&M, Sweater: Target, Booties: Foreign Exchange, Purse: Mom's Vintage Louis Vuitton, 
Jewelry: DIY, Brandy Melville

These pictures were taken when the weather was gorgeous, and I was feeling a bit under the weather. Of course, it always works out that way. I actually got done up to buy medicine, thinking it might make me feel better. You know, the feel the way you dress theory as opposed to dressing how you feel. SPOILER ALERT: Theory debunked! I still felt like crap. We could've spent the day roaming the city, riding the scooter, or getting our Christmas tree, but no. My dang tonsils decided to plot against me and render me bedridden.

I am hoping that I recover soon because there are things that need to get done. For instance, Disneyland trips, picking out a Christmas tree, decorating said tree, shopping/making gifts, etc... Of course, the most important things. Doesn't my body know it's December, therefore Christmas time, and I can't be sick? 

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