Monday, December 30, 2013

On Holiday

Dress: Forever21, Wedges: Bakers, Belt & Necklace: Target, Hair Barrette: Ann Taylor Loft 

It's been quite awhile since I've posted anything. At first, I felt really bad about it, but then I realized that it's ok to take a break from blogging, especially around the holidays. I was actually able to go out and enjoy myself without stressing out about taking blog pictures. I usually love documenting everything, but I've learned that sometimes it's best to just enjoy the moment without whipping out a phone or a camera. From here on out, I'm going to try to relish in life's precious moments without worrying about capturing that perfect photo. 

I initially started this blog as a way to record my adventures and memories, something to do for fun. In addition to all that, it now serves as a way to keep my friends and family up to date on my life. I want to post regularly, I do, so I'm going to try my hardest to stick to a schedule. But don't hold it against me if I don't. I want this little corner of the internet of mine to be something more for pleasure, so it starts feeling like a hassle, I'm going to need a break. And now I know there's nothing wrong with going on a little holiday. 

{Christmas Day 2013}

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Wish List

Even though I'm 24, my family still insists that I write up a Christmas Wish List. 

I know, I know, this is such a hodgepodge of random items, but just humor me on this one.

1. White Low Top Converse: I have seen too many outfits on Pinterest not to be dying for a pair of these babies.
2. Crystal Stone Drop Necklace: Who doesn't love a beautiful statement necklace?
3. Oscar Blandi Pronto Invisible Volumizing Dry Shampoo: Well, because this stuff is amazing, but is kinda pricey.
4. Accent Pillows: I've been wanting to add a bit of color to our living room. Does putting home decor on my Christmas Wish List make me old?
5. Turquoise Throw Blanket: To go with the pillows, duh. 
6. Serving Tray: I really want something like this on our coffee table to hold candles, coasters, or whatever else might be laying out. And to answer the question above- yes.

Monday, December 9, 2013

First Temp Assignment

Sweater: Forever21, Jeans: Urban Outfitters, Booties: Reflection, Scarf: Foreign Exchange, 
Jewelry: Rose Bowl Flea Market, Lucky Brand, World Market & DIY 

I was recently assigned a temp positions as a receptionist at a big corporation office in Westwood. Receptionist job, no problem. Dressing the part, slight dilemma. I did not own a single pair of slacks or any kind of professional attire. My wardrobe is full of everything BUT that. And I couldn't just wear what I'm wearing in these pictures. Ok, maybe the red lip. ;)

So my best friend and I ventured to H&M on a mission! It was a little rocky at first, I must admit. You should of seen me in the dressing room. I've never had to stick to a professional dress code, so I looked/felt absolutely miserable and uncomfortable. But we did not give up hope! Eventually, we found a flattering pencil skirt for my figure and a perfect dress- both conservative yet modern. I also picked up some shirts that I can incorporate into my everyday wardrobe. I'm so glad I was able to find so much and still stay true to my sense of style. And maybe, just maybe, I'll feature those outfits on here. 

And might I just add, I really enjoyed this assignment! Everyone was so nice and helpful. Not to mention there was a fully stocked fridge full of refreshments and a LATTE MACHINE. Man, if I don't get hired by a big time company, I'm going to be disappointed. I have high expecations now!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Fab Five

{Our baby Christmas tree}

We finally got our Christmas tree! I wasn't in love with it at first, but it's starting to grow on me. It is a lot smaller than last year's, but I feel like it's the perfect size for our apartment. It's just so cute and little. We did have a little bit of difficulty trying to decorate it because it is so small, but I think it turned out great. 

I've seen a lot of trees that are decorated with a certain style in mind, or a common theme throughout. While those are usually beautiful, I decided to stick to ornaments that are sentimental and that are close to my heart. You'll find everything that I love on this tree, from Abe Lincoln to Ariel. I feel like this tree is a pretty accurate representation of myself. 

Now I know this is supposed to be "our" tree, but Adam doesn't have any ornaments! And you know the guy won't go out and buy any for himself. So it is now my sole duty to find ornaments that embodies him. The hunt is on!

{How cute is that little Santa on Abe Lincoln's lap? And yes that is a tiny Starbucks cup}

{My Ariel ornaments that Adam got for me last year}

{"Adam" & "Ashley" were the first ornaments that I ever purchased}

{Love how Christmassy our apartment looks}

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Today marks our 19 month anniversary! Don't worry, we aren't that couple that celebrates every month, but I just thought it would be fitting to post these pictures of us today. 

I enjoy documenting my life, and he is a HUGE part of it, so it's always nice to capture how happy we are together. Yeah, these pictures may be goofy and cheesy, but I just happen to love them! This is us :) 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dressed Up Sick

Top: Forever21, Skirt: H&M, Sweater: Target, Booties: Foreign Exchange, Purse: Mom's Vintage Louis Vuitton, 
Jewelry: DIY, Brandy Melville

These pictures were taken when the weather was gorgeous, and I was feeling a bit under the weather. Of course, it always works out that way. I actually got done up to buy medicine, thinking it might make me feel better. You know, the feel the way you dress theory as opposed to dressing how you feel. SPOILER ALERT: Theory debunked! I still felt like crap. We could've spent the day roaming the city, riding the scooter, or getting our Christmas tree, but no. My dang tonsils decided to plot against me and render me bedridden.

I am hoping that I recover soon because there are things that need to get done. For instance, Disneyland trips, picking out a Christmas tree, decorating said tree, shopping/making gifts, etc... Of course, the most important things. Doesn't my body know it's December, therefore Christmas time, and I can't be sick? 

Monday, December 2, 2013


Dress: Forever21, Sweater & Tights: Target, Wedge Booties: Bakers, Jewelry: Flea Markets & DIY

Does this background look familiar? Well, it should! This is where I used to take a majority of my blog pictures back when I lived with my Grandmother. I just had to make a stop here before Thanksgiving dinner because this scenery makes for great pictures. I love how there is so much color. Even in dead of fall, there is so much green! You don't see a sight like this very often in LA. It's a concrete jungle out there!  

Moving away has made me really appreciate my hometown. The landscape is beautiful and has that country feel. I sure do miss living up here. Now, if I have a chance to go home, I don't hesitate. I guess Dorothy had it right. There really is no place like home.