Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Something To Be Thankful For

Don't you agree?

I'm not going to lie, these past couple of months have been a bit of a struggle. I am constantly being tested and pushed, but it's all for the greater good. It's all a part of growing and becoming the person I'm supposed to be. Despite all of the hardships, I am thankful. 

This is what I am especially thankful for:

1. My support system. This includes my friends, family, and boyfriend. They have been completely supportive through all my trials and tribulations. I honestly say, without a doubt, that I wouldn't have made it this far without them. I love them all. 

2. New opportunities. Moving out to LA, I thought I would have had more opportunities to swiftly make a career change. It hasn't been that smooth of a transition, and because of this, I am very thankful for each and every new opportunity that has come my way. 

3. My determination. Things don't come easy or happen over night. Moving to LA has taught me this. I know it takes hard work, time and effort to see change. I could've given up long ago, but I'm fighting. I WILL make new, amazing friends, I WILL find a job that I love, and I WILL be happy. 

4. My health. I know I don't work out much or eat as healthy as I should, but things could be a lot worse. So I am thankful for that. 

5. Technology. Without it, I wouldn't be able to talk to my best friend, who is living in American Samoa, everyday. I definitely wouldn't be able to blog. Thank you, technology. 

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