Friday, November 29, 2013

Fab Five

{A festive sight walking down Main Street USA in Disneyland}

I don't like to rush through holidays, but I have been anxiously awaiting this day! It's the day after Thanksgiving, and we can finally concentrate on Christmas! This means that Christmas carols will now be playing endlessly on the radio, and tree lots will be up on every corner. Oh, and don't forget all the peppermint deliciousness. 

And I know I'm not the only one super excited for the upcoming holiday. We recently spent the day at Disneyland, and by the looks of it, Disney was ready for Thanksgiving to be over and done with too. 

{My "Tall, Dark & Goofy" fellow}

{A quick stop for blog pictures in Disneyland California Adventure}

{This lovely one and her fanny pack}

{Spending a magical day with him at the happiest place on earth}

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!


I hope it's filled with joy and laughter, and is spent well with great company.

Oh, and lots and lots of food! :)

and just a little reminder...

Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only day we are thankful. 

So let's try to be thankful everyday, shall we?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Something To Be Thankful For

Don't you agree?

I'm not going to lie, these past couple of months have been a bit of a struggle. I am constantly being tested and pushed, but it's all for the greater good. It's all a part of growing and becoming the person I'm supposed to be. Despite all of the hardships, I am thankful. 

This is what I am especially thankful for:

1. My support system. This includes my friends, family, and boyfriend. They have been completely supportive through all my trials and tribulations. I honestly say, without a doubt, that I wouldn't have made it this far without them. I love them all. 

2. New opportunities. Moving out to LA, I thought I would have had more opportunities to swiftly make a career change. It hasn't been that smooth of a transition, and because of this, I am very thankful for each and every new opportunity that has come my way. 

3. My determination. Things don't come easy or happen over night. Moving to LA has taught me this. I know it takes hard work, time and effort to see change. I could've given up long ago, but I'm fighting. I WILL make new, amazing friends, I WILL find a job that I love, and I WILL be happy. 

4. My health. I know I don't work out much or eat as healthy as I should, but things could be a lot worse. So I am thankful for that. 

5. Technology. Without it, I wouldn't be able to talk to my best friend, who is living in American Samoa, everyday. I definitely wouldn't be able to blog. Thank you, technology. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

These Boots

Dress & Tights: Target, Sweater: Fashion Q, Scarf: American Apparel, Boots: Macy's, Socks: Urban Outfitters, 
Jewelry: Rose Bowl Flea Market, World Market, DIY 

Last fall/winter, I wore my boots a lot. And welp, I'm bringing them back out now that it's getting chillier out! I totally forgot how cute and comfy they are. I love pairing them with some lacy tights. It's just that little "oomph" your outfit needs all while keeping you nice and warm. I also like slipping on some long socks to peek out from the top of the boots! I just got so caught up in my new ankle booties that I forgot all about these tall boots. No worries, because these babies are back in action and ready to make a comeback!

Also, can we talk about my hair real quick? Ah, its just so red and I LOVE it.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fab Five

{Red lips and red hair}

After a bit of a rough week, I'm glad the weekend is finally here. Tomorrow, we are planning on seeing Catching Fire and relaxing for most of the day. We'll need the rest because Sunday calls for a Disneyland trip! I am beyond excited to see all of the Christmas decor and to spend the day with some lovely people! There is nothing more satisfying than being at Disneyland during the holidays. It's just so merry and festive. I just can't wait to make more memories at the happiest place on earth!

{A cup English black tea and mint M&M's}

{The sun breaking through the clouds}

{An early morning walk on a crisp fall day}

{A dozen fresh white roses}

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fall Essentials

1. I love bringing out the dark lipsticks for fall. You cannot go wrong with a dark red lip.

2. My lips always get super chapped and dry during the colder months. To make sure my lips stay smooth, I exfoliate them with a lip scrub.

3. Fall isn't cold enough for a big coat (at least here in LA), so I opt for a chunky knit sweater instead. They go great with leggings, skinny jeans, or thrown over a dress.

4. The skater skirt will always be a fall essential. Pair it with some lace tights and you're golden.

5. I usually wear oxblood on my nails for fall, but I am switching it up this year by rocking dark blue.

6. I love wedge booties for fall. Simple as that.

7. I bought this circle scarf last fall while I was in New York. It opens up, and there are endless ways to wear it.

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Few Random Things

Shirt: Forever21, Pants: H&M, Wedge Booties: Bakers, Scarf: Gypsy Junkies, 
Jewelry: Rose Bowl Flea Market, Lucky Brand, World Market & DIY

1. Over the weekend I got my hair trimmed and colored. I'm so glad I did because look at those roots! Red is so hard to maintain, but I'm not ready to go back to being a brunette.

2. I almost did not buy this shirt. I glanced over it and left the store. I went back and bought it about an hour later because I could not stop thinking about it. I definitely would've had buyer's remorse if I hadn't gone back. I'm just a sucker for stripes. 

3. Today finally felt like fall! It was still about 73 degrees out, but at least it was all gloomy and overcast. I'm hoping that it cools down even more. I have boots, scarves, and sweaters that are dying to be worn. 

4. I got this cozy, thick scarf for free from Gypsy Junkies. Since I am an intern there, I have the privilege of getting free clothes! The perks of being an intern! I can already tell it's going to be a stable in my winter wardrobe. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fab Five

{My first peppermint mocha of the season}

Is it Christmas yet? 

I know, I know, we're barely halfway through November, but I am just giddy with excitement! It is by far my favorite holiday! I mean, how could it not be? It's just so merry! I'm so ready for Christmas music to officially take over the radio. I also cannot wait to get a Christmas tree up in our new apartment. If I could, I'd go out right now and pick one up. Unfortunately, we all have to wait until Thanksgiving is over. Can't we just skip that holiday and go straight into Christmas? That's pretty much what we're all looking forward to anyways!

{These make our whole apartment smell like Christmas}

{My new bird jewelry stand}

{Pho has become a favorite in our household, and we cannot get enough}

{The new additions to our family}

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Confessions Of A Disney Addict

Disneyland is by far my favorite place on earth. 

I own an annual pass, and it is probably the best decision I've made. Ever. 

Dole Whip will always have a long line, but it is so worth it. 

The trip isn't complete until I've had a Mickey pretzel (with cheese)

Oh yeah, and a clam chowder bread bowl. 

If you go with me to Disneyland, you def make it on my top 10. You hold a special place in my heart. 

The people who have annual passes, well, you and I are best friends. 

One of my favorite rides is Tower of Terror. I know all the words and anticipate every drop. 

Selfies will happen at the happiest place on earth. It's just a known fact. 

I've spent too many hours at The Mad Tea party. 

As cool as DCA is, I will always prefer Disneyland. 

I always have to document my Disneyland adventures. 

Don't get me wrong, I like Pirates, but I see it more as a time to sit and relax for 15 minutes. 

Christmas is my favorite time to visit Disneyland. 

Even though I've been to Disneyland many times, I can only remember seeing the Christmas fireworks once.

I usually never wait around to see the parades or fireworks. 

I know it's a good day if the lines for Indie and Space Mountain are only 10 minutes.

And if I can ride Peter Pan! 

Star Tours makes me very discombobulated. Same goes for Space Mountain. But I still go on them. 

I've always wanted one of those really cool, in motion spinning pictures during the Teacups. I suppose this will have to do for now. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

If Found, Please Return To Paris

Cropped Tee & Jeans: Urban Outfitters, Hat: Nordstrom, Purse: H&M, Wedge Booties: Bakers, 
Jewelry: Rose Bowl Flea Market, Lucky Brand, World Market & DIY

I'm not much of a t-shirt girl, but after seeing this baby at Urban, I knew I had to have it. I'm so glad I did because I can already visualize all the different ways to style it. I am definitely going to get my moneys worth! 

Yesterday, I decided to pair it with some high waisted jeans, wedge booties, and hat for a quick outing around town. Oh and don't forget a swipe of red lipstick for dramatic effect! Adam said I looked like Indiana Jones in this outfit, and frankly, I'm okay with that. He's awesome.