Tuesday, July 16, 2013

here's a little update

so, it's been a while since i've posted anything. i've just been going through a whirlwind of stuff. for example, MY BEST FRIEND MOVED TO AMERICAN SAMOA.

yep. consequently, there's been a lot of this:

and this:

oh, and the cherry on top: i moved to LA. of course it's exciting, but i feel alone in this big ol' city. my best friend is across the country, my family isn't over in the next town anymore, and adam has been away for work. it's just hard adjusting to a new city/life when you're alone most of the time.

i know...PATHETIC. 

so naturally i have andy grammer's "keep your head up" on constant repeat in my head. it's my new anthem. 

anyways, enough with the crying!

i started my new internship! right now i'm currently working on some social media posts for a clothing line as well as making a list of celebrities who would potentially wear this line so we can contact their publicists. 

snapshot from my first day

the showroom is located in downtown LA, so that's kind of drag. but hey, this line of work is more up my alley than a pharmaceutical company, so it'll be worth it (i hope). i'll be telecommuting for now until i get back from my vacation to myrtle beach. 

oh yeah! i'm going to myrtle beach! we actually leave on thursday, which happens to also be my 24th birthday (woo! drinks on the plane for me!)! i finally get to meet adam's family AND i get to spend a week or so in beach house. pretty exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time! 

i guess things aren't too bad for me right now. i just miss my best friend and family. 

so, LA, please be kind to me! k?


i promise to post more! more ootd and such! :)

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