Monday, July 30, 2012


shirt: forever21, shorts: Q, sandals: target, jewelry: forever21, francesca's, ventura harbor 

maybe i love how happy i am 
maybe i have a shopping problem 
maybe i cannot wait to see my best friend(s)
maybe i need to not be such a push over
maybe i like the way my hair looks curled 
maybe i should learn how to sew 
maybe i need to be more creative 
maybe i want learn to play the guitar 
maybe i enjoy watching tv all day on the couch 
maybe i like dressing up
maybe i should welcome change
maybe i need to let things go
maybe i like how everything is coming together 
maybe i want to wear red lipstick more often
maybe i enjoy my alone time

and maybe i love the person i'm turning out to be


1 comment:

  1. looking super cute! If this post had a "like" button I would totally click it! very optimistic and full of personal growth, love it!!!
