Monday, February 6, 2012

the good & the bad

dress: american eagle, boots: target, belt & bracelet: beau-alexis boutique 

the bridal party (minus one) finally got a chance to get together! we ate at roman's macaroni grill (where the outfit pictures were taken, "don't mind me, this is for my blog") and put together the save the dates for the wedding. it was an amazing day filled with good company and delicious food. 

on a more negative note, this week is going to be absolutely no fun. i have to work night shift. 12am-10am starting tomorrow! which means that i will be heading to work tonight. which means my sleep cycle will be totally messed up. which means there will be no cuddling with michael. which means that this basically is going to suck.  it's only 4 days, but it's still going to be rough. because of this, i might not post as much this week. i'm expecting to be a zombie, so forgive me. 


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