Sunday, January 29, 2012

the hills are aliiiiiiive

jeans: gap, blouse & belt: forever21, shoes: aldo

this is the amazing view i am lucky enough to admire while at work. i always think to myself, "this would be perfect for my blog!!" i mean c'mon, just look at those hills! so yesterday i took a little adventure outside while on break. and if you couldn't tell from the pictures, it was an extremely windy day, which made it nearly dang impossible to capture any decent pictures. also, it has become apparent that i am no model. there was a lot of "what should i do now?" and "i don't know what to do." 

i'm hoping that A: saturdays will become a routine blog-picture-day, B: this backdrop of amazingness will be used more in the future, and C: after studying some fav bloggers, i will become a pro at these photo seshes.


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