Tuesday, May 7, 2013

passions and aspirations

dress: charming charlie's, sandals: reflection, jewelry: flea markets, forever21, fossil, francesca's 

i can't exactly pin point the moment in my life where i finally discovered my passion for social media and fashion. i've always loved writing, but never thought to pursue it as a career choice. i graduated college with a degree in biology with an emphasis in medical imaging and minor in applied physics, but as time progressed, i realized i had no real passion for it. i started my blog in 2011 as a way to document my life experiences and my interests. i never knew how much of an impact it would have on my life and how it would change my aspirations. i'd love to write social media for a fashion website or magazine and eventually become an editor. people often have the impression that i am only moving to LA because adam got into dental school, but it is also so i can follow my dreams. i know moving to LA will offer more opportunities. hopefully this will assist me in my journey to my new career. 


Friday, May 3, 2013

1 year

i cannot wait to celebrate our 1 year together tomorrow.

i am one lucky gal.

love you, stud muffin.

love, ashley